Published 4 years ago in Other

KUVWIYEAmos Izomo#Kuvwiye #amosizomo.mp3

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I started my musical career in my teen age, up-till now, I am passionate about singing and playing the piano. I have worked with many gospel ministries as a pianist, singer, music director/coordinator e.t.c.
I have been featured in other peoples album both as a singer and a pianist. I was inspired by the spirit of God to release an album (JEHOVAH SHARP-SHARP) in 2014 after escaping the Emab plaza bomb blast in Abuja, Nigeria.
And subsequently I have released couple of songs/singles before now.


Baba you too much o
For all the things you do
You are incredible God
And that's just the way you are
You're the way maker
Miracle worker you're so good
You're the way maker you're so good
And you no go shame your own

Kuvwiye ku Oghene iye iye iye iye
Kuvwiye ku Oghene iye iye iye iye

Igbunu (miracle) yo o o
Igbunu (miracle) yo o o
Igbunu (miracle) yo o o
Igbunu (miracle) yo o o

Kuvwiye ku Oghene iye iye iye iye
Kuvwiye ku Oghene iye iye iye iye

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